Week 7 Get Visual - Let a Picture Tell the Story

This week I enjoyed seeing how different businesses use Instagram.  The four pages I checked out are below:

Travel Guardian:

You can locate Travel guardian on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/travel_guardian_/  It looks like this is a new business because there is only one post so far.  They help with travel itineraries as well as what to pack for a trip. 

The Art Jive:

The Art Jive has a well designed page with beautiful photos.  The Art Jive is "A Creative Hub designed to provide a platform for our experiences to be turned into art, community, and connection. With our company, we push towards sustainable fashion, normalizing mental health through community." You can locate them at https://www.instagram.com/theartjive_/ 

Julia's Desserts

Julia's Desserts looks like a new dessert company with very few posts, but there is a delicious looking photo of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  I look forward to seeing more on this new business. You can locate them at https://www.instagram.com/juliasdessertscsit2020/

Frost Yourself Sweets

Frost Yourself Sweets is such a beautiful page with very professional pictures.  It is a baking company that provides cakes and party desserts.  You can choose a theme and colors you desire.  Everything looks delicious and fun. You can check them out at https://www.instagram.com/frostyourselfsweets/

 (Links to an external site.)


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